Archive for the ‘Blog’ Category

4 Important Supreme Court Cases Involving Credit Cards Debt

Credit card debt is a common issue that many Americans face, and it has been the subject of several cases that have made it to the United States Supreme Court. Here are four notable cases that have dealt with various aspects of credit card debt: Marquette National Bank of Minneapolis v. First of Omaha Service […]

The Most Important Credit Card Lawsuit in American History

The most significant court case involving credit card debt in American history is undoubtedly Marquette National Bank of Minneapolis v. First of Omaha Service Corp. (1978). This landmark case set a precedent that paved the way for the modern credit card industry and reshaped the landscape of consumer credit in the United States. The case […]

How to use a Sworn Denial to Win a Credit Card Lawsuit

A sworn denial statement is a legal document that a defendant can use to denyallegations made against them in a credit card lawsuit. Here are three advantages tousing a sworn denial statement to defend a credit card lawsuit: Protects your rights: A sworn denial statement helps protect your legal rights by putting the burden of […]

Understanding Your FICO Credit Score and How to Improve It.

If you’ve ever applied for a loan or a credit card, you’ve probably heard the term FICO score. But what exactly is a FICO score, and why is it so important? In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at FICO scores and explain what you need to know about them. What is a […]

Credit Reporting Burden of Proof Rules

Credit reporting burden of proof rules are regulations that specify the responsibilities of credit reporting agencies and creditors in verifying the accuracy of credit information they report about consumers. These rules are established by federal laws, such as the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) in the United States, and are designed to protect consumers from […]

New Rules 2023 Medical Debt I Credit Reporting

Medical debts, unlike any other debts/section on the credit report, aren’t incurred voluntarily buthave been estimated by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) to contribute toapproximately 43 million Americans with bad credit reports across the United States. Whencompared to assets you voluntarily purchased, you can’t just wake up and feel; oh, I want to besick […]

How to Remove Inaccuracies From Credit Report

According to an official study on credit report accuracy carried out by the Federal TradeCommission (FTC); one in five consumers – culminating to more than 34% of Americans – findone error or the other on their credit report. The facts uncovered by this study is quite shocking and Disturbing, given the negative impacts itcan have […]

Request for Production of Documents Example

A Request for Production of Documents is a legal tool used in the discovery phase of a lawsuitto obtain information and evidence that is relevant to the case. In a credit card lawsuit, thepurpose of a Request for Production of Documents is to obtain all documents that are relevantto the credit card account in question. […]

How a Debt Validation Letter can improve your credit score

Debt validation letters are letters that are sent to debt collection agencies to request validation of a debt that has been assigned to them for collection. These letters are important because they help the debtor to verify the debt and ensure that the debt is legally collectible. This article touches on the purpose of a […]

Response to Admissions Example and Explanation

A response to admission in a credit card debt lawsuit is a legal document filed by thedefendant in response to the plaintiff’s admission of certain facts or allegations. When a plaintiff files a lawsuit, they typically include a complaint that outlines theirclaims and allegations against the defendant. In response, the defendant may file ananswer to […]